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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Unethical Advertising - Part 2 - Dr. Batra's Homeopathy

In another incident of unethical advertisements, one needs to mention Dr.Batra's advertisements.
Dr. Batra's is a chain of homeopathic clinics all over India. They claim it is Super speciality Homeo.
My mother had some sinus problem and I wanted to try homeo medicine as an alternative to all the antibiotics. Naturally, I was lured by the 'Attractive' advertisements by Dr.Batra's company(Yes.It is a company..You will know soon). I was almost there to fix an appointment when my mind said otherwise.
I checked up and found innumerable negative reviews about Dr. Batra's company. I personally have few friends taking treatment from Dr.Batra for their hair loss problem ( The most advertised treatment by them), without any clear results. Some are waiting for results.I hope their wait ends sooner than later.

The chief complaints against the company were...
1) Corporate style - Only sell service in packages of 1yr, 2yrs 3yrs and so on.. They will lure you into one scheme. Mind you, they also have attractive discounts on the yearly fee of Rs.7000/- or so if paid by a certain credit card..
2) Most Doctors are inexperienced.
3) Various Doctors keep switching your case. Often their advice mismatches.
4) No real results are found in most cases. In some cases the disease worsened.

I even found horrible comments on forums. Search for Batra on those forums.

According to the Indian Laws Medical Practitioners, Lawyers, CAs and the like are not permitted to advertise to solicit business.

See the startling findings by Advertising Standards Council of India about Dr.Batra's ADs false claims at;jsessionid=60DFAA24C6A47BAAF0BD473D7E854FAD?for_top_id=6&activity=Y

I don't understand why the government turns a blind eye towards such unethical practices.

People easily fall prey to such stuff. On Women's day a couple of days ago I was stunned to see a full page Ad in a couple of Dailies. See how much they are spending on advertising.Just imagine the 'Company's' earnings.

A good doctor need not advertise. If his treatment works, word of mouth is sufficient to generate patients interest which will last for a life time.

To hell with these Crooks. God save the people of India....Things will change only people raise their voice against such crooks.

Lucky me, I found a good 'Experienced' Homeo doctor who does not advertise but has got good number of patients. My mother already says she is feeling better for some ailments within one week!! Let me hope for the best.

Unethical Advertising

Since few days some hoardings of Deccan Chronicle Newspaper advertisements posted at various points in the city have irked me. These posters are sleazy and attract the viewers attention immediately.
Deccan Chronicle has, in the past, used models with attractive and double meaning lines to attract people, but this time they have gone overboard and stooped to unimaginable levels of cheap and unethical advertising methods.
The new advertisements feature a skinny model with a wet top, across which runs the like of a news headline which clearly has double intentions embedded. Few lines read 'Retail FDI Boom or Bust’ , ‘ Get both sides of the story’, ‘ Rose exports blooming’ and 'University releases Vital Statistics'. See pictures below.

I think the law makers should take steps to curb such attempts by corporates to increase business.

By the way, DC lives on sleaze. People get to couple of pictures of semi naked women everyday in their newspaper. That's how they make a living. One of the worst newspapers in India is DC.

Families subscribing to DC are clearly opening one more channel for their young children to see today's moral-less society. In this aspect 'The Hindu' is the best newspaper in India - No Sleaze, no cheap publicity and good subjects for the family.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Welcome to Mind Blogs

Hi. Welcome to Mind Blogs: My personal blog.

This is my first blog on the Internet.
The reason for me to join the blogging community is to explore it's power to express one's views.
I have wandered the Internet for over 9 years now. But, I haven't used it for really useful purposes. I think with so many free services (like blogger) on the Internet, one should make use of them.
I will post in this blog, whatever I feel about myself, people around me or simply about the world.

I hope people visiting my blog will get something useful. Do leave your comments if you like/dislike a post.

I am planning to put a nice image as the blog header. Working on it.