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Tuesday, June 12, 2007

About saving energy

In continuation to my earlier post on water and energy saving, this post briefs about how one can save electricity.
Electricity is produced in various ways by using Water, Wind and even nuclear materials. One cannot image life in the modern world without electricity.
Since it is produced by utilizing the energy produced by natural forces and elements, it is bound to be limited by the resources available. The most common resource used is water to produce hydel-power. We already talked about water and its importance in our lives. So, if one saves electricity one is indeed saving water indirectly. When we have less water in the reservoirs we starve for electricity.
To save electricity one can follow some simple tips.
  1. Switch off lights and fans in the rooms when no one is present.
  2. Make most use of natural light and air. This way you can use less electricity for fans and lights.
  3. Set the refrigerator in the low cooling setting. This is sufficient for the normal cooling needs. If you want to keep an ice-cream without melting in the freezer, increase the cooling.
  4. Do not open the fridge door often and for longer period. It Saves lot of energy.
  5. Defrost the fridge often, usually once a week.
  6. Do not keep electronic gadgets on standby like the TV, stereo etc. Swith them off completly.
  7. Switch off computers at home when not in use. Even power saving mode consumes a lot of power. At office, switch off the computers before leaving for the day(unless really required to keep it functioning). It only takes a few minutes the next day to power it on. Make a habit of this.
  8. Use the stairs whenever possible. Avoid the lift.
  9. Use energy saving CFL lamps instead of incandescent lamps and tubelights. They consume much lower electricity and last longer.
  10. Keep light emitting surfaces clean.
I think one can find more tips and resources on the net. I put down here, whatever I could think of.

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