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Friday, June 29, 2007

Firefox RoX

I just can't stop myself from writing this.
Though, I had been using Mozilla Firefox browser for quite sometime now, I really started to love it with the all the plugins available. I simply fell in love with MouseGestures. Today when I upgraded to version 2.0, I found that there are over 2,400+ plugins for Firefox!!! I already had around 15 plugins installed and today I installed another 20 or so. They are simply awesome. I was tired of going through the list of available ones.
And there are those which immensely help web developers with debugging and development.

I believe one should definitely have Firefox browser to enhance their browsing experience greatly.

Kudos to the Team and the plugin developers ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah firefox rocks as long as you have sufficient amount of RAM. Use firefox for sometime and check out the memory usage. You will find it in 200 Mb range. Now switch to opera ( and see the difference.